'Brexit, Oil and the World Economy' - VIDEO NOW ONLINE

19 October 2016

A talk by Dr Alister Hamilton of Edinburgh University

Wednesday 26 October    Tore Village Hall  

A video of this talk is now on YouTube

A good audience at Tore on Wednesday were rewarded by an interesting and challenging talk from Dr Hamilton.  Here is a brief summary of the talk and the reaction to it by Sheila Currie.  (See below for a more detailed report).

We rely on oil and gas for transport and energy and food production.  Oil and gas production have peaked and production’s in decline.  So why have prices not rocketed?  It’s complicated and to do with the cost of energy extraction, what society can afford to pay, and the energy it takes to get the oil out.  We’re close to the point where most oil will take more energy to get than it gives, and society can’t pay the prices that reflect the full extraction costs; and so the oil industry will shortly begin to die.

What we do about that is up to us. Many of us came away stunned and chastened, wondering where we go from here.  But TBI is all about looking at the truth and being ready for the future; and so it was a powerful incentive to make real changes here and now and with our sister Transition groups.


For a more detailed report of the talk from Sheila, and links relating to the report on which Dr Hamilton's predictions were based, go to our  Energy / Brexit . . .  page.


We are part of the rapidly expanding worldwide Transition Towns movement. The Black Isle is a peninsula of about 100 sq miles ENE of Inverness in Scotland, UK.