Levelling up or localism

Levelling up or localism?  -  Simon Kaye

While new research highlights very few people have any inkling what Levelling Up actually means, it hasn’t stopped both right and left wing commentators trying to second guess the Government and place their own interpretation on it. And just as David Cameron’s Big Society was perceived by many as a smokescreen to disguise the introduction of a decade of austerity, similar but different arguments are being made for a fundamental shift towards localism and decentralisation of power as the way to ‘level up’ the country. Superficially attractive but as we’ve learned before, we should be wary of the messenger.

Dr Simon Kaye  for CapX ( a British online newspaper and 'news aggregator'  founded by the Centre for Policy Studies in 2014), reprinted in Scottish Community Alliance newsletter 26 January 2022.

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