IMF Local Development Plan formulated

08 December 2021

After the consultation - formulating the plan

From Tim Stott, Highland Council Principal Planner

You will recall that you responded to this document’s consultation at the beginning of 2021. The 7 relevant Council committees have now considered all comments and have decided which policy and development site options the Council wishes to take forward to the next Plan stage. 

That stage is called the Proposed Plan and will commence in March 2022, when we will invite formal objections (and other positive comments) on the Council’s choice of policies and development sites. 

You can view the Council’s choices via the committee links on this webpage

For those with an interest in housing requirements then the second draft 2020 Housing Need and Demand Assessment has now been published.   

We will contact you again in March 2022 with a link to the fully prepared document and details of how to lodge formal representations.

View the Black Isle Committee's report


We are part of the rapidly expanding worldwide Transition Towns movement. The Black Isle is a peninsula of about 100 sq miles ENE of Inverness in Scotland, UK.