
*July 2024

Flow country designated World Heritage site

The most expansive and best example of blanket bog in the world, the Flow Country in the far north of Scotland has joined the Serengeti, the Galapagos Islands and the Great Barrier Reef in securing prestigious UNESCO World Heritage Site status for its globally important nature.  This is a global first, as the Flow Country is the only World Heritage Site inscribed specifically for its peatlands.

More information and comments

Image IUCN UK Peatland Programme


*June 2024

Merkinch Local Nature Reserve

In a recent  Highland Environment Forum newsletter, Caroline Vaudrey draws attention to this BBC News article about  Merkinch Local Nature Reserve.  In the article reserve chairman Ali Locke describes it as 'a hidden gem' where people can escape into the countryside. He said the goodwill of local people, including volunteers young and older, along with sponsorship were key to the reserve's survival.


*June 2023

Rejuvenating Culduthel Community Woods

BBC News      30 May 2024               Steven McKenzie

Also referred to by the HEF newsletter is another BBC News article describing the work of a local volunteer group in rejuvenating a community wood in the middle of Inverness.

Culduthel Community Woods are on about two acres (6ha) of land once associated with a former stately home that dated back to the 1780s.

The woods were brought into community ownership in 2022 and are now the focus of projects to improve its paths, tackle invasive plants and encourage growth of native species.

Murray Ferguson, chairman of Culduthel Woods Group, said: "It is a small wood but we think we can do a lot here."


*June 2024V

Aultnaskiach Dell Community Wood

Perhaps urprisingly, the Culduthel area in the middle of Inverness has not one but two community woods.  Read  this 2020 article  by Gina O'Brien, a founder and trustee of Aultnaskiach Dell.


April 2023

Environmental Rights Centre for Scotland

In a recent bulletin from Scottish Community Alliance, Director Angus Hardie praises this little-known body, and notes that, in every case in which it has been active, Scotland’s environmental regulator, SEPA, had been found wanting.

Find out about ERCS



January 2023

Retained EU law 'bonfire' bill passed in Commons

At the end of the House of Commons Third Reading and Report Stage debate on 18 January,  the Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill was passed by 297 votes to 238.  The bill will now go to the House of Lords, where it is expected to face considerable opposition.

The Bill provides that most of the large body of law inherited from the European Union on Brexit (estimated at around 1500 separate pieces of legislation) must be 'sunsetted' - either revoked or replaced if appropriate by equivalent or similar UK law - by the end of 2023.  The shortness of the timetable, and the likelihood that it will be impossible to give adequate consideration to such a large body of law in such a short time, has led to fears that valuable legislation covering, for example, environmental, food safety and health standards, might disappear by default. 

Another cause for concern is that the government admits that it does not know exactly how many laws and regulations are involved, and that its online 'dashboard' intended to provide this information is not up to date.  An amendment with wide cross-party support which would have required the government to detail, and obtain Parliament's support for, all the revocations of EU law it proposed to make, was defeated.

The situation with regard to retained EU law in devolved areas of competence is far from clear, and the Scottish and Welsh governments have expressed their opposition to the bill as it stands.

There are links to background information in our item of September 2022 (below), and we have assembled further information and links in a new document which we hope will be of interest at a significant stage in the progress of this highly controversial bill.

September 2022

Environmental safeguards threatened by repeal of 'retained EU law'

Highland Environment Forum has raised the alarm about the introduction of a UK bill to repeal much of the EU law and regulation retained in UK law after Brexit.

There is particular concern over legislation covering areas such as food standards, environment and wildlife protection and animal welfare regulation.

RSPB Scotland is running a campaign to get people to write to their MSPs, but the Scottish Constitution Secretary Angus Robertson has already written to Jacob Rees-Mogg, protesting in strong terms against the introduction of the bill.

UK government information

Scottish Government report

ConstitutionSecretary's letter

RSPB Scotland article and letter campaign


April 2022               Scottish Environment Link

From Rhetoric to Reality revisited: a new report

In 2011, LINK published our first Rhetoric to Reality assessment. In it, we commissioned an independent consultant to assess 8 key areas of environmental policy on how far reality on the ground had matched the rhetoric of policy. Now, ten years on, we’ve commissioned another assessment. A decadal review seems timely: it covers the life span of two Parliaments, we’re at the start of the UN Decade of Ecosystem Restoration and we have a new Parliament with the Greens holding ministerial portfolios, the first time ever in UK politics. The Bute House Agreement is bringing environmental legislation to the fore and giving impetus to Scotland’s’ leadership on climate and nature.

More introduction

Read the report   (.PDF in unsatisfactory double page format)


February 2020

Scottish Government Environment Strategy revisited

We posted an item a year ago reporting Scottish environment charities welcoming the Scottish Government's announcement of  'a vision and outcomes for an environment strategy'  on 25 February 2020, and feel that a year on it is time to redirect attention to this important and detailed document.

Here is the  link to the document  and here are two extracts 

- one from Part 4   Environment Strategy outcomes (they mean objectives): how will we get there?  which is straightforward and sensible, if not much more than a statement of the obvious

Outcome: We are responsible global citizens with a sustainable international footprint
If everyone on Earth consumed resources as we do in Scotland, we would need three planets. Our consumption relies on resources extracted or used in other parts of the world, including water, land and biological and mineral resources. We have a significant carbon footprint, including emissions produced in Scotland, and emissions in other countries making goods which we import. As a result, our environmental impact extends far beyond our own country. The nature of this impact is complex. Some of the commodities we import are associated with deforestation, water stress and other ecological pressures in different parts of the world.

- and one from Part 5  Realising the vision  In which the document relapses into meaningless officialese verbiage

To turn our vision into reality, we will develop pathways for outcomes. These will identify strategic priorities and opportunities, working with existing strategies and plans across government. We will seek to direct our collective efforts in the areas that will have the greatest impact on multiple outcomes.[36] Work will focus, in particular, on opportunities to strengthen connections between policies. We will keep these pathways under review, ensuring that implementation of our Environment Strategy is flexible and dynamic.

Read it and see what you think

Infographic relating Scotland's Environment Strategy to UN Sustainable Development goals

View and download as PDF

Read about the UN Sustainable Development Goals at  Climate Change / Sustainable development


July 2020

"Scotland's new Environment laws must be strengthened"

This is the view of environment campaign group Fight for Scotland's Nature, following the publication of the UK Withdrawal from the European Union (Continuity) (Scotland) Bill  in June.

They complain that the ability of organisations or individuals to raise formal complaints against specific examples of environmental damage will be diminished; that the watchdog body Environment Standards Scotland to be set up under the bill will not be sufficiently independent of government; and that there is no requirement for Scottish environmental standards to keep pace with possible changes in EU regulation, and no specific provision to prevent standards being rolled back.

Read Fight for Scotland's Nature's article  'How good are Scotland’s new draft environment laws?'

Background to and details of the bill


June 2020

Committee's concern about bringing back powers from EU

From the Scottish Parliament website news page

Holyrood’s Environment Committee says a unanimous ‘no’ to consent to the UK’s Environment Bill


In a report published today, Holyrood’s Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform Committee calls for powers which fall within devolved competence, including environment policy, to return to the Scottish Parliament on EU exit day.

The report, which details the committee’s consideration of the legislative consent memorandum (LCM) for the UK Environment Bill*, specifically queries why environmental powers in devolved competence should be made via UK, as opposed to Scottish, primary legislation. 

The committee believes that the Bill as it stands would allow the Scottish Parliament limited scope to influence decisions on devolved policy, to scrutinise relevant legislation and its implementation and therefore, effectively hold Scottish Ministers to account. 

In advance of a debate on the motion to be held in the Scottish Parliament, the committee is writing to both the UK and Scottish Governments asking for a full explanation of the rationale for sharing powers via legislation in the UK Parliament, as opposed to the Scottish Parliament.

Read the Committee's report


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Tuesday 22 October
18:00 Zero Food Waste Challenge - Fermenting & Pickling Workshop
Saturday 26 October
16:00 Halloween on the Green at Culbokie
10:00 North Kessock Community market
Tuesday 29 October
18:00 Zero Food Waste Challenge - Cooking With Leftovers
Friday 1 November
19:00 Hallowe'en stories and songs at Bunloit
Tuesday 5 November
18:00 Zero Food Waste Challenge - Composting Workshop
Saturday 9 November
NA      Cromarty Community Market
Saturday 16 November
NA      Culbokie Community Market

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