More about Transition Black Isle

Beginnings and membership

Transition Black Isle was formed in 2009 as part of the worldwide Transition movement and is one of about 200 Transition groups in the UK, with a similar number overseas, and hundreds more are following the same agenda without formally joining the movement.  The group is run by volunteers, and depends for its success on an active membership of people who share our determination to take positive local community-based action to tackle the issues of climate change and resource depletion.  We have more than 130 active members in communities across the Black Isle  (membership is free, donations are encouraged), and constructive links with a wide range of individuals and groups locally and further afield.


"The urgent need to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, greatly reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and make wise use of precious resources is at the forefront of everything we do."  All industrialised countries appear to operate on the assumption that our high levels of energy consumption, our high carbon emissions and our massive environmental impact can go on indefinitely. At the heart of Transition is a vision of a fairer, more co-operative future, where ecological resilience and social justice are prized above political expediency and blinkered, short-term thinking.  Transition means getting together with others to create more self-reliant communities, through activities such as cutting energy use, growing and using local food, reusing and recycling .  .  .  .  .  .  . 


Transition Black Isle members are working to develop projects which will make our communities better fit to face the future.  Our projects have included the publication of a growing guide specifically related to conditions in the north of Scotland, the setting up of community gardens and markets - there are currently four monthly markets on the Black Isle - a hugely successful seed potato sale in March each year, and recently the creation of a 'Local Larder' website to publicise producers and suppliers of local food.  Our (dates) Million Miles Project, which had as its objective reducing car use on the Black Isle by 1% and encouraging cycling, lift-sharing and greater use of public transport, was the lead story in a book of Transition projects from around the world produced for the 2015 Paris Climate Conference. We have run or taken part in 'Greener Homes' and 'Keeping Warm for Less' events to encourage energy conservation.


There is lots of information about TBI's activities and a wide range of environmental issues on the website, and an active Facebook group.  There is also a regular newsletter emailed to members and a wider network of subscribers about once a month, and also available to view on the website, where you can sign up to subscribe.  There is a website forum through which members publish recipes and offer surplus produce, but its original function as a general discussion forum has been overtaken by social media.

To be most effective, communication needs to be two-way, and the success of TBI depends on not only active volunteer participation in projects, but also the contribution by members of ideas and suggestions to feed into our discussions and decision-making.  Contributions to the newsletter, ideas for new projects we might undertake, and suggestions about or help in editing the website are always welcome, and can be made initially by email to


The chart below gives a representation of TBI's organisational structure.  If you find it difficult to read you can view and download a PDF version  here .


Latest News...

Forthcoming Events…

Saturday 15 February
10:00 Cukbokie Community Market
Saturday 22 February
10:00 North Kessock Community Market
Monday 24 February
19:00 Culbokie Community Trust AGM
Wednesday 26 February
19:00 Integrating Trees Network River bank planting
Thursday 27 February
09:30 Share and Repair Gathering 2025 Stirling
Saturday 1 March
10:30 TBI Potato Day 2025
Saturday 8 March
10:30 Cromarty Community Market
11:00 HCWP and BI Repair Cafe celebration

Events to add to calendar? Contact Us.

Cycle Routes Blackisle.
Highland Liftshare. Sign up for free now

TBI Business Directory

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We are part of the rapidly expanding worldwide Transition Towns movement. The Black Isle is a peninsula of about 100 sq miles ENE of Inverness in Scotland, UK.