Transition Network

January 2024

Transition Together - year 2 and the future

From Transition Together January newsletter

While Transition Together was initially envisaged as a 10-year plan of transformative change, restructuring at The National Lottery Community Fund means the programme which funded our work won't be continuing. The Community Fund is supporting us to work out future plans and options. We see immense value in the work the Movement is doing – and in resourcing the infrastructure to support you. A priority for the coming year will be to secure the resources needed to continue and build on what we've achieved in Transition Together, shaping that with the movement. We will soon be sharing more details of this. 

Read the story of the second year


January 2023

The first year of Transition Together

What if… communities everywhere had the power, knowledge and opportunity to lead change, building a better world for everyone from the ground up?  That’s the vision of Transition Together, a project to grow and strengthen this work for community-led action in England and Wales. 

We are part of the international Transition movement, which emerged in the UK in 2005.  Now the Transition Network links communities in 50 countries taking practical action to ‘transition’ away from the unsustainable and divisive ways we are living to resilient, active and caring communities. 

Read more


December 2022

New Year training now open

Our much anticipated new training programmes kick off in January - the perfect time for new beginnings.  These online, interactive sessions are designed for Transition groups, drawing on years of shared experience within and beyond the movement.

Our one-day Launch workshop on Saturday 21 January is for new groups or those in the process of forming one.

Meanwhile Thrive is a series of six short workshops for existing groups, on Monday evenings from 13 February. Ideal for groups wanting to become stronger, reach new people, grow in confidence or explore new ideas and projects. 

Join Launch

Join Thrive 



November 2021

Transition Network launches 'Transition Together'

Transition Network, the UK's umbrella organisation for Transition groups, has received nearly £6m from the Lottery Fund for a new project called 'Transition Together'.  

This is part of an article by Transition Network's Rhiannon Colvin

Today we are excited to launch Transition Together, a new project to help build more resilient, empowered and sustainable communities across Britain from the ground up. 

As the dust settles after COP26, never has change been so urgent and necessary. We are inspired by activists across the climate movement who took a stand for a just and inclusive transition. From the young people who took to the streets and social media, to the COP26 Coalition who drew people together across the world, to the radical ideas for change and the marginalised voices refusing to be ignored.

The last fortnight has not made us more optimistic or more pessimistic, but more determined. More determined to go back to our local communities and start building our power, strength and capacity to change our future. To build the more equal and sustainable towns, cities and countries that our hearts are longing for. In the words of Ben Brangwyn co-founder of the Transition movement: 

“If we wait for governments, it will be too late. If we act as individuals, it will be too little. But if we act as communities, it might just be enough, and it might just be in time.” 

Read the full article

Transition Together website

We’re not all in the same boat, but we are experiencing the same storm.


The Essential Guide to Doing Transition

Getting Transition started in your street, community, town or organisation.

By the Transition Network team    2016.

What you need to know about Transition.  Unlike its predecessor 'The Transition Handbook' Originally published in 2008, this new guide is not published in book form,  but only as a 64 page downloadable PDF document.


A movement of communities coming together to reimagine and rebuild our world


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We are part of the rapidly expanding worldwide Transition Towns movement. The Black Isle is a peninsula of about 100 sq miles ENE of Inverness in Scotland, UK.